If there is something you'd like me to make for you please get in touch and we can discuss ideas.

Bird Family
Brief: To make one of my bird frames with 2 "parent" birds, 2 "child" birds, a nest and foliage.
The whole family came to the studio to cut out and hammer the flowers used in the sculpture.
Lloyd of the Flies at the RHS
Brief: As part of their summer 2023 Aardman Lloyd of the Flies event Wisley commissioned me to make 2 sets of Butterfly wings (after the Cornea character from Lloyd of the Flies) and a large Abaccus (Lloyds woodlouse friend). They also asked me to provide various ladybird, spider and stag beetle sculptures for the event that I could sell.
RHS Harlow Carr commissioned me to do an Abaccus woodlouse for them too.
Brief: Make a life size velociraptor!
The client already had a couple of my sculptures and was happy for me to work to a very open brief.
Lovebird Birdbath
Brief: Make a birdbath with 2 lovebirds to celebrate a significant wedding anniversary.

Brief: Make a turtle sculpture as a gift for clients daughter who had a holiday home in Turkey (where there are turtles).
Brief: Make a wall mounted wall sculpture featuring ferns and insects.
The client visited the studio to approve designs and also did a mini workshop where she was able to make some of the leaves used (cutting, hammering and welding).

Wisley Roses
Brief: Make an installation of 50 roses to be displayed at RHS Wisley
Having seen and liked my Butterfly roses during one of my Butterfly Exhibitions at Wisley, the curator there asked me to do a large installation to be displayed at the bottom of the rose garden through out summer 2018 (they were then for sale directly with me: sold out)
Parakeet Family
Brief: To make a framed family of parakeets as a surprise birthday present.
During the project the family all took part in an open workshop I was running at a fair, without the birthday girl realising what they were working on the kids cut, filed and hammered some of the flowers I used in the sculpture.

Winged Owl
Brief: To make a winged owl as a retirement present.

Giant Tortoise
Brief: To make a giant tortoise as a 10th wedding anniversary present. The intials of the family and wedding dates are welded in to metal.
2 Parrots
Brief: To make 2 parrots

Brief: Make a Chough (coastal bird, I had to look it up)

St Vincent Parrot
Brief: To make a St. Vincent Parrot (to go to clients holiday home on St. Vincent) including local foliage.

Giant Ladybirds
Brief: Make 3 giant ladybirds on leaves (a scaled up version of little ladybirds I used to make)