My school workshops are very adaptable.
Please get in touch if you are interested in working with me.

I can work with any age or ability.
We need a space where we can make lots of noise.
The sculpture can be based on drawings and ideas provided by the kids or I can do the design.
Kids get to:
use the guillotine (closely supervised by me)
File the edges of the pieces they have cut out.
Hammer the pieces for texture and shape
I then take all of the pieces back to my studio and weld them all together to create the sculpture.

School Projects

St. Dominics School
I've worked at St. Dominics a couple of times. Its a specialist school and the children have a range of abilities and complex needs. I work with small groups, outdoors. The kids get to participate for as long as they want, some stay all day; cutting, hammering chatting to me about tools and art. Some just come along to watch for a bit.
So far we've made a lion and a unicorn (named Dave), there was talk of a dragon next.........

Wey House School
Wey House (now closed) was a school that provided for young kids with special emotional and mental health needs. I did 3 big projects with them; bugs, rabbits and a heron. I spent several days at the school, working with small groups. The kids used all my tools to cut, file, hammer pieces of metal. I then welded them together in my studio and installed the finished sculptures in the schools nature area.
Ripley School
This was a school that was closing down and as a leaving present to the community we created this tree. Each child and teacher drew around their hand on the metal. Cut it out and hammered it for a bit of texture. I then welded them all together to form the tree.

Send School
Oak Leaf Wreath. During the schools art week I worked with one year group to create this indoor wall hanging (its painted silver not galvanised). Kids all got to cut, file and hammer the leaves in metal. I then welded them together in my studio and returned the finished sculpture to the school.

Using the schools banner of a blue sky, grass and sunshine as a starting point I got the kids to design "things" to fill out the picture. I then turned the drawings of flowers, bugs etc. into templates that we could turn in to metal sculptures. The kids cut, filed, hammered. I welded the bits and painted them before installing back at the school.

St. Josephs
I spent a few days at the school working with kids that had a range of complex learning difficulties. They cut filed and hammered the metal using templates I had already prepared. I welded the bits together and returned the finished deer sculpture to the school.

Alexandra Junior School
I worked with AJS for several years running various short courses.
A group of parents could sign up with their child to spend a couple of hours with me once a week for 5 or 6 weeks, working together to design and make a small metal flower or butterfly. At the end of the course I took all their pieces and welded them together so they could keep the finished sculpture.
A group of kids (mixed ages) could sign up for a term of "metalwork" on a Friday afternoon. I changed the projects over the years but they designed and made flowers, bugs, mobiles/wind chimes, fish, and 3d pictures.
At the end of my time there we did a spectacular project all designed by the kids. I took hundreds of drawings they did for me and turned them in to one big design. I then spent 2 solid weeks at the school working with every single child to cut and hammer all of the pieces. Welded all the bits together in my studio, painted them and then installed back at the school. The kids then did further projects around the sculpture, writing essays and stories about it.

Hersham Library
The Knowledge Tree
Schools and community groups in the area all got involved with this project. Using drawings provided by these groups I created a design, ran several workshops at the library and day centre working with an age range of 8-80 yr olds. The community helped to cut, file and hammer all of the pieces of metal. I then welded them together, painted them and installed them at the library.

St. Charles Boromeo School
A dove of peace, surrounded by olive leaves bearing the schools values. During workshops at the school kids cut and hammered leaves and feathers. I then welded them together, galvanised, painted and installed the sculpture at the schools entrance.

Burhill School
The entire school, including the nursery class helped with this sculpture. Working from my design the kids cut filed and hammered all of the bits (its a tree with lots of "things surrounding it: birds, spiders, bugs, flowers). I welded all the bits together in my studio, painted them and installed them back at the school.

Cleves School
The first school workshop I ever did. The school approached me having seen my sculptures at Wisley, they wanted to do an Arts Week project using metal. I worked with one class each day to create a different part of the sculpture. The kids got to cut, file, hammer, watch me do a bit of welding (can't get insurance to do that in school anymore), and on day 1 do some painting (never again! Metal paint and children don't mix).